Townhead of Montfode Farm

Also known as just “Townhead Farm”, this was a small farmhouse and byre dating back to some time prior to the mid 18th century, located north-east of the main Montfode farmhouse to the north-west of Ardrossan.

Townhead of Montfode Farm on the 1855 OS map.
Townhead Farm on the 1855 OS map. Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.

By the 1950s Mr and Mrs A Kelly and their family lived in the house. On 15th November 1952 the byre caught fire, taking part of the house roof with it.


About four o’clock last Saturday afternoon Ardrossan Fire Brigade were called out to deal with an outbreak of fire at Townhead of Montfode Farm.

The fire originated in a byre containing eighty tons of baled hay which was destroyed. The roof of the byre fell in and the outbreak spread to an adjoining dwelling house occupied by Mr A. Kelly, his wife and family of six. Mrs Kelly and a daughter discovered the outbreak.

Prompt action by the firemen confined the damage to the house, to part of the roof and smoke and water damage to a bedroom and kitchen.

From the Kilmarnock Herald and North Ayrshire Gazette, 21st November 1952.

It would appear the house was not occupied again after this, and over the next 70 years both buildings would slowly turn to ruin. Today all that remains of Townhead of Montfode Farm is the lower half of both the house and byre in various states of decay. Little features still exist although you can smake out the troughs for animals in the byre.

The remains of Townhead of Montfode Farm in April 2021.
The remains of Townhead Farm in April 2021.
Photo by Three Towns Explored.

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